Walking in Alpujarra

East of the A44 is the Sierra Nevada and on its southern slopes the Alpujarras with their villages reminiscent of Berber villages in the Atlas and the spa town of Llanjaron. It bottles much of Spain’s fashionable drinking water and has baths and spa hotels with springs of different temperatures and mineral contents.

The region was first made popular by writer Gerald Brenan who moved to Yegen after the first world war and more recently by Chris Stewart’s 'Driving Over Lemons'.

The Sierra Nevada National Park is some 1700 km² and has a dozen 3000m peaks including Mulhacén at 3478m. Because of its altitude range, there is an incredible bio-diversity including the hispanic ibex, wild boar, golden eagles, wild cats and many unique species. There is serious high level walking, climbing and a number of refuges. The ski resort operates a couple of lifts offering access to 3000m in the summer.

Las Alpurras


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